College of Charleston
Center for International Education
Charleston, SC 29424
Spring: November 1
Summer: March 15
Fall: April 1
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CofC in Trujillo, Spain 2015

Term To Study: Summer 2015
Application Deadline: Mar 03, 2015
Program Starts: May 17, 2015
Program Ends: Jun 20, 2015
Program Category: One-Country
Program Type: Faculty-led
Program Fee: $3,950
Program Locations: Trujillo
Contact Phone: 843-953-7823
Contact Name: Gabriela Peschiera
Contact Email:
What is Included: - Round-trip airfare
- Room and board with host families
- Ground transportation
- Entrances into sites
- Medical insurance
- $50 non-refundable application fee and $200 non-refundable deposit (posted to the student's account)

* Program fee subject to change
What is not Included: - Tuition for six credits and associated fees
- Some meals
- Passport fees
- Personal expenses
Estimated Costs: In addition to the program fee, students will be charged for tuition as follows:
- 2014-15 in-state tuition rate for six credits- $2,640 (does not include associated fees)
- 2014-15 out-of-state tuition rate for six credits at the in-state + 30% rate- $3,432 (does not include associated fees)
Program Description


Students take two of the following courses:

SPAN 275: Spanish Skills Review - 3 credits
SPAN 320: Introduction to Hispanic Literature - 3 credits
SPAN 328: Spanish Language Study Abroad - 3 credits
SPAN 390: Special Topics in Spanish


A thriving center for tourism with a rich historical past, Trujillo is the place of origin of many explorers and conquistadors of the New World, including Francisco Pizarro. It is located in the Extremadura region of Spain, southwest of Madrid, and about 60 miles from the border of Portugal. Cáceres, a UN designated World Heritage City, and the site of the Universidad de Extremadura, is about half an hour west of Trujillo. Classes are held in the Coria, a 17th century restored convent. Students will live with host families in Trujillo, offering them an extraordinary opportunity to improve fluency in Spanish and to experience Spanish culture firsthand. In addition to visits to local sites of interest, there will be excur-sions to Mérida, Córdoba, Granada, Sevilla, Toledo, Madrid and Segovia. Language classes will be integrated with student experiences outside the classroom, and courses will be organized so that class discussions will be coordinated with visits to relevant sites.


Dr. Lola Colomina-Garrigos
Department of Hispanic Studies

Dr. Colomina-Garrigos is an Associate Professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies and the Latin American Caribbean Studies Program. She has served as Program Director for both the summer and the semester programs to Trujillo, Spain, as well as the semester program in Santiago, Chile.

Dr. Nadia Avendano
Department of Hispanic Studies

Dr. Avendano is an Associate Professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies and the Women's and Gender Studies Program. She served as Program Director for the summer program in Trujillo, Spain in 2006.

Quick Facts

Population: 47042984
Capital: Madrid
Per-capita GDP: $ 31000
Size: 505370 km2
Time Zone: (GMT + 01:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris

US State Department

Travel Warning: YES
See :
Country Specific Info.

College of Charleston Center for International Education